Network #1: Volunteering – Recruiting and motivating volunteers

Recruiting volunteers is a never-ending process. All though there is widespread stability among volunteers, many Nordic countries experience a growing tendency towards more ad-hoc or episodic volunteering which is a challenge to civil society organisations. But how do organisations stay attractive and relevant to volunteers, and how can they recruit, retain, and motivate volunteers in this new era of volunteering?

As a member you will get a unique cross-Nordic network with other persons working with volunteer recruitment, and an inspiring forum for sharing knowledge and solutions on how to stay attractive and relevant to volunteers in a changing voluntary era.

It is relevant for persons working with recruitment, retaining, and motivating volunteers in a voluntary (social) organisation. You are probably employed, but you might also be a leading volunteer with recruitment as your responsibility.  

All members are expected to take part in four plenary network meetings, and to be ready to share their experiences (both good and bad!). Side meetings are optional. 

Network meeting # 1: Setting the Nordic voluntary scene: What does volunteering look like in your organisation and across the Nordic countries, and does it match the needs of the socially vulnerable groups?
Date 06.03.2024, 13.00-15.00 CET.

Network meeting # 2. The who, what and why: What motivates your volunteers, and how has your organisation succeeded – or failed – in recruiting? Examples from organisations that manage various types of volunteer participation.
Date: 10.04.2024, 13.00-15.00 CET.

Network meeting # 3: How to gear up your organisation for more and better volunteering. Examples from organisations that create inspiring organizational environments.
Date: 15.05.2024, 13.00-15.00 CET.

Network meeting # 4: Which topics are missing? The final network meeting topic will be decided by the members.
Date: 28.08.2024, 13.00-15.00 CET.

As a network member, you will take active part in four plenary network meetings. Additionally, you will have the opportunity of attending smaller peer groups between the meetings with the participants from the other Nordic countries, where you can further reflect on and discuss specific topics, methods etc. that is relevant for you. All meetings are online, and the spoken languages is English.

Read about all five networks